Sabtu, 17 Desember 2016

Your top recommendations for things to do in your town

Hello ledies and gentleman ,introduce my name is Nadia, I want to tell about the village what I want to recommend. The village that I want to recommend is the village where I was born, namely Sungai Pinang, Sambas district. There are certain reasons that attracted me to recommend the village.Sungai Pinang is not the village where I live right now but of a village where I was born the village hehe I think is still lacking teachers and adequate facilities, if facilities and infrastructure are adequate but that I see there is very low awareness of parents towards their children's education, there have been many children my age are married and have a son when the age is actually still in school or seek knowledge, , Which may lack the level of one's awareness of the importance of education in the future. And also I often heard children drop out of school because there want to work needs find the money to meet the family. Sad sometimes I hear things like that let alone usually no intention children to school but often failing a grade, , That may be the effect of the school sat quietly return why not get the learning they should be. Children there are still thirsty for education and therefore I promised I would be successful and would like to make my home village is more advanced and more familiar with the importance of education for our future.

Jumat, 16 Desember 2016

it's your last meal on earth - what do you choose?

I'll tell you about the food I wanted to eat before I leave the earth wkwk.
The food I wanted to eat was my mother made chicken porridge, I was very pleased with my mother's cooking especially now within my mother was very much let alone eat dishes mother met with the figure of the mother was difficult. mother's cooking is the most special dishes I've found, Now because by far I often missed mother cooking L The shoreline in the city is a lot of good food like bakso,mie ayam, nasi goreng and others. hehe but although many delicious it can not beat the delicious cuisine own mother, mother's cooking that tastes more delicious than the other dishes. Since then I believe that cooking with love will produce food that is super tasty and catastrophic magnitude. The food pellet that could be most efficacious, create a separate children regardless away, wherever located, although in the city any culinary million, will still feel her most delicious dishes hehe point I want to express gratitude profusely to mothers who have given the terrible experience of cooking. Also gave me the ideals of simple, very simple. I want my children will feel that my cooking is cooking the most delicious in the world. I want when my child will have to study or sustenance away from me, they still miss my cooking. I want to eventually they realize that I cook them with love like my mother's cooking first.

A letter to your younger self and your 10-years-later self

Hi, how are you ? are you surprised to find this letter? Because I'm pretty sure you've forgotten to this letter. It's a letter from yourself that you wrote 10 years ago, when writing this letter I thought my future would read this letter, or just be a memory of this period. There are so many things I wanted to ask, and I want to know about you who have been living 10 years of your life at that time was at the age of 28 years, things that make you curious past. For example, if you're married? Haha now let us begin his interrogation. First of all if you've reached your dream? Do you remember you really want to become a lecturer and a successful entrepreneur? Did you achieve them? Hopefully, you have already achieved, amen even if it has not been achieved I am sure by now you are still trying to achieve it because I know you're not a person who never gave up, , The second thing I wanted to ask if you've been to the country of your dreams? State what you imagined almost every day, which makes its own pocket money set aside for savings.Have you there? I hope you've been there, amen. , The most important thing I wanted to ask whether you have been successful in pleasing your parents if the parents already feel the sweet fruit, which had always you promised them? and thank God all have you keep it just you take them you Live the Mecca sacred ground you lift her degree, amen and they were very happy to have a child like you. So a letter to me 10 years to come hopefully what I always want what I pray always achieved, amen Ya-Allah.

Sabtu, 10 Desember 2016

Grammar:  Synonyms of Verbs and Adverbs for Academic Englist
Exercise 1. Verbs
Instructions: write the letter associated with the corresponding synonym next to each word
SYNONYMS ( Exercise1. Verbs )
1.      Obliterate                                                  Destroyed
2.      Severed                                                     Consume
3.      Conceive                                                   Clarify
4.      Tolerate                                                     Exemplify
5.      Ingest                                                        Theorize
6.      Pacify                                                        Create
7.      Calibrate                                                    Support                      
8.      Magnify                                                    Motivate
9.      Incentivize                                                 Cut
10.  Speculate                                                   Theorize                                                         
11.  Levitate                                                     Allow
12.  Illustrate                                                    Clam
13.  Elucidate                                                   Enlarge
14.  Impede                                                      Float
15.  Advocate                                                  Adjust

 Obliterate ( menghapus )                    : Destroyed ( musnah )
 Severed ( memotong )                        : Cut ( memotong / menghentikan )
 Conceive ( menciptakan sesuatu )      : Create ( menciptakan / menimbulkan )
 Tolerate ( memberi toleransi )             : Allow ( mengizinkan )
 Ingest ( mencernakan/menelan )          : Consume ( memakan )
Pacify ( memenangkan )                      : Clam { down } ( tenang )
 Calibrate ( menyesuaikan )                 : Adjust ( menyesuaikan )
 Magnify ( membesar-besarkan )         : Enlarge ( memperbesar )
 Incentivize ( memberi dorongan )        : Support ( mendukung )
 Speculate ( memikirkan/berteori )       : Theorize ( membuat teori )
 Levitate ( mengapung secara gaib )     : Float ( mengapung )
Illustrate ( menggambarkan )               : Exemplify ( memberikan contoh )
 Elucidate ( menguraikan )                   : Clarify ( menjelaskan )
 Impede ( )                                          : Theorize ( membuat teori )
 Advocate ( menganjurkan )                 : Motivate ( mendorong )

Exercise 2. Adverbs
Instructions: write the letter associated with the corresponding synonym next to each
Incentivize ( memberi dorongan )    : Support ( mendukung )
My parents have always supported me to pursue higher education even if I have to stay away from them but remember hometown. And encouragement from parents to succeed was immense.
SYNONYMS ( Exercise 2. Adverbs )
1.      Methodically                                             Resentfully                             
2.      Begrudgingly                                            Severely
3.      Amicably                                                   Painfully
4.      Fiercely                                                     Unclearly
5.      Unintelligibly                                            Indisputably                           
6.      Sporadically                                              Decisively
7.      Unequivocally                                           Absolutely                              
8.      Zealously                                                   Weakly
9.      Laboriously                                               Quietly
10.  Earnestly                                                   Weakly
11.  Indisputably                                              Occasionally
12.  Definitively                                               Indisputably
13.  Faintly                                                       Systematically                                    
14.  Discreetly                                                  Eagerly

Methodically ( sesuai metode )                                   : Systematically ( secara sistematis )
 Begrudgingly ( menyesal )                                          : Resentfully ( kesal )
 Amicably ( secara damai )                                          : Quietly ( diam-diam )
 Fiercely ( dengan ganas )                                            : Severely ( sungguh )
 Unintelligibly ( tak jelas )                                             : Unclearly ( tak jelas )
 Sporadically ( sesekali )                                              : Occasionally ( kadang )
 Unequivocally ( dengan tegas )                                    : Indisputably ( disangkal )
 Zealously ( rajin/semangat )                                         : Eagerly ( dengan tidak sabar )
 Laboriously ( dengan kerja keras )                              : Painfully ( menyakitkan )
 Earnestly ( dengan jelas )                                            : Decisively ( secara menyakinkan )
 Indisputably ( tak terbantahkan )                                 : Indisputably ( tak terbantahkan )
Definitively ( pasti/menentukan )                                  : Absolutely ( benar/mutlak )
  Faintly ( dengan lemah )                                             : Weakly ( dengan lemah)
 Discreetly ( dengan hati-hati )                                     : Privately ( secara pribadi )

Begrudgingly ( menyesal )                            : Resentfully ( kesal )
I regret wasted time has been there, so I want to learn more can arrange a time as possible.